Lighthouse Electrical Ltd - San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago
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Company name
Lighthouse Electrical Ltd
25 Royal Rd, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago
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Working hours
- Monday: 7:30AM–4:30PM
- Tuesday: 7:30AM–4:30PM
- Wednesday: 7:30AM–4:30PM
- Thursday: 7:30AM–4:30PM
- Friday: 7:30AM–4:30PM
- Saturday: 8AM–1PM
- Sunday: Closed
Establishment year
1972E-mail address
Company description
Lighthouse Limited, formed in 1972, was a retail establishment that focused on the sale of decorative lighting fixtures and fittings. Since then we have expanded and now have two lighting showrooms and one retail electrical store. As one of the premier and more established lighting companies, Lighthouse has grown from a small family run organization to a Limited Liability Company that has earned itself national recognition. It is a subsidiary of the HADCO Group of Companies.
Lighthouse imports products from world-renowned manufacturers and carries popular US brands such as General Electric Lighting, Westinghouse, Kichler and Appleton to name a few. We also import from different parts of the world such as Panama, China, Costa Rica and Europe. Additionally, we are the sole distributor for
Over our 30 years of existence we have forged new alliances, established life bonding relationships and have earned the respect of our competitors within the market place. We have always focused on quality products at an affordable price and this is what sets us apart from our competitors. We fully back our warranties on products and offer minor servicing of items.
We have become specialized in making the purchasing of our fixtures and fittings a simple task by offering to you our years of experience, highly trained staff and wide variety of products.
Lighthouse Limited (Lighting Beyond Your Expectations) is a member of the American Lighting Association which is the largest body in the lighting industry with their advanced and sophisticated knowledge in the world of lighting. The American Lighting Association offers a comprehensive training plan for members through an advertising and educational training program. Lighthouse Limited will embark and capitalise on these benefits for our already trained staff, to enhance their knowledge and training so that they are better equipped to serve and educate our customers on better lighting options.
Lighthouse imports products from world-renowned manufacturers and carries popular US brands such as General Electric Lighting, Westinghouse, Kichler and Appleton to name a few. We also import from different parts of the world such as Panama, China, Costa Rica and Europe. Additionally, we are the sole distributor for
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Excel Hand Dryers.Over our 30 years of existence we have forged new alliances, established life bonding relationships and have earned the respect of our competitors within the market place. We have always focused on quality products at an affordable price and this is what sets us apart from our competitors. We fully back our warranties on products and offer minor servicing of items.
We have become specialized in making the purchasing of our fixtures and fittings a simple task by offering to you our years of experience, highly trained staff and wide variety of products.
Lighthouse Limited (Lighting Beyond Your Expectations) is a member of the American Lighting Association which is the largest body in the lighting industry with their advanced and sophisticated knowledge in the world of lighting. The American Lighting Association offers a comprehensive training plan for members through an advertising and educational training program. Lighthouse Limited will embark and capitalise on these benefits for our already trained staff, to enhance their knowledge and training so that they are better equipped to serve and educate our customers on better lighting options.
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