Acote Veterinary Clinic - Arima, Trinidad and Tobago
Acote Veterinary Clinic
1 Review
Acote Veterinary ClinicO'Meara Rd +1 868-234-1462, +1 868-642-0670
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Company name
Acote Veterinary Clinic
O'Meara Rd, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:00 am - 4:45 pm
- Tuesday: 8:00 am - 4:45 pm
- Wednesday: 8:00 am - 4:45 pm
- Thursday: 8:00 am - 4:45 pm
- Friday: 8:00 am - 4:45 pm
- Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:45 pm
- Sunday: 9:00 am - 10:45 pm
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Services provided include:
*Medical and surgical facilities
*House calls
*Medical and surgical facilities
*House calls
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Acote Veterinary ClinicO'Meara Rd +1 868-234-1462, +1 868-642-0670
Dr. Nicholas is a compassionate, competent Vet who sincerely cares about his patients.
Of the Vets that I have met in Trinidad, he is first I have met who puts his patients first, and has a drive to provide quality care to manage the happiness, quality of life and longevity of his patients.
Dr. Nicholas very clearly loves animals, and is passionate about his work. He is passionate about driving change to improve the overall quality of care provided to animals on the island including changing the cultural view that pets are not simply ‘a dog’ for example, and a pets are seen as they should - a living, breathing, loyal, intelligent being, with the ability to learn up to 250 words, learn sign language, assist the blind, seek out victims of natural disasters or trained to detect when a diabetic individual is going into shock.
Lastly, Dr. Nicholas knows that the owner of a pet is ‘the’ advocate of his/her pet. When a pet has an ear infection, or is in pain, our pets cannot speak, so we need to be aware of change to speak on behalf of our pets.
I am truly hopeful that he is successful in his quest to change at a national level: the quality of healthcare of our pets, and encourages change in the laws as it relates to how we treat pets (equal to that of 1st world countries like the UK, the Czech Republic and the US).
Of the Vets that I have met in Trinidad, he is first I have met who puts his patients first, and has a drive to provide quality care to manage the happiness, quality of life and longevity of his patients.
Dr. Nicholas very clearly loves animals, and is passionate about his work. He is passionate about driving change to improve the overall quality of care provided to animals on the island including changing the cultural view that pets are not simply ‘a dog’ for example, and a pets are seen as they should - a living, breathing, loyal, intelligent being, with the ability to learn up to 250 words, learn sign language, assist the blind, seek out victims of natural disasters or trained to detect when a diabetic individual is going into shock.
Lastly, Dr. Nicholas knows that the owner of a pet is ‘the’ advocate of his/her pet. When a pet has an ear infection, or is in pain, our pets cannot speak, so we need to be aware of change to speak on behalf of our pets.
I am truly hopeful that he is successful in his quest to change at a national level: the quality of healthcare of our pets, and encourages change in the laws as it relates to how we treat pets (equal to that of 1st world countries like the UK, the Czech Republic and the US).
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